I haven't had many rant or rave topics lately, most of my thoughts have been easily contained to 140 characters and expressed via Twitter. But I have a few items I want to air out.
First, shoes. Shoes are an essential staple to our lives, for function, health and safety, and fashion of course. While some bohemians reject them, most people own a variety of shoes, some more than others. We live in a society where we analyze and judge each other in many ways and appearance is near the top of the list. With that said, for the life of me I cannot comprehend why people chose to wear shoes that are completely dilapidated, worn down, dirty and barely functional! This is not just about style, but your own health and safety. I cannot believe how many people I saw this past weekend walking the dirty streets of Montreal with holes in their shoes. Holes in the toe, holes in the soles. Holes, holes, holes. I can't accept that these people simply cannot afford another pair. It is simply laziness and lack of caring.
You look like trash and you are probably going to get some bizarre infection!
I can appreciate a great pair of shoes, that are so comfy and easy to wear that you just can't part with them. But there comes a point where you really have to say goodbye and move on. That includes when your heel is shredded, or the tip is non-existent.
As a shoe fanatic myself, I beg of you to take care of your shoes, clean them, buff them, mend them. But when they are irreparable, discard them and treat-yo-self to something new.
Also, another peeve of mine is people who have poor gait and walking abnormalities. The wear and tear on your shoes will happen a lot faster, because they are most likely not designed to support your walking style. If you find you have a strange wear pattern on your shoes, have a gait analysis conducted, this will help you find a supportive athletic shoe, and maybe with some treatment you can correct some issues, as this will obviously impact your health and well being.
Furthermore, to the ladies who lack the coordination to walk properly in a not flat shoe, please learn how or stop wearing heels. You are going to injure yourself, or give yourself premature arthritis, and you also cause me pain when I see you tromping around and torturing your shoes, they never did anything to you!
Stay sharp and keep your shoes neat and clean.
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