Wednesday, 6 April 2011


There are just a few days left of being 25 years fabulous. Subsequently, this marks an excellent point in time to reflect on my life and unravel myself into existential thought – I should note that I am not in crisis mode, yet!
As I reflect, I ask myself, “What have I done?” - but I think when we ask ourselves this, we often focus on what we haven’t done and lose sight of what we really have accomplished. Part of my resolutions for living a better life is being positive and always seeing the bright side. However, in fairness to myself, I think I accomplished and did some great things in the past year. Here is a quick recap:
I completed my Master’s degree at McGill University!
I presented at 4 conferences.
I found myself in Toronto; Tucson, AZ; Quebec City; Burlington, VT (twice); Ottawa; Philadelphia, PA; Mont Tremblant – aside from my time in Windsor/Detroit and Montreal.
I celebrated with my grandparents for their 50th anniversary.
I was a bridesmaid.
I went to a Habs game.
I tried curling for the first time.
Plus a lot of other stuff that made me smile!
Now to continue on this trajectory and continue to do great things. Twenty six get ready, because I am on my way!

26 (twenty-six) is the natural number following 25 and preceding 27
A rhombicuboctahedron has twenty-six sides

The atomic number of iron

The number of miles in a marathon
rounded down

The number of bones in the normal human foot and ankle

The number of ounces in a midsized bottle of liquor


  1. Meet me in Toronto.

  2. Twenty-six was mostly an awesome year for me and it will be for you too! :)
