Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Flats of Fury

It is early April, the last of the snow is almost behind us, rain is ever present in the forecast, and I have that renewed energy that comes every spring. One other big change that comes with spring is wardrobe. Time to dig up those fun flirty prints, capris, lighter jackets and flats. Yes, those evil shoes that we have a furious love/hate relationship with. They are so cute and very versatile, you can incorporate them with so many looks.

WHY must they cause so much pain and heart ache? I know that in early spring we must train our feet to get back into spring and summer shoes and build up those calluses. But those flats, the pain they cause is unreal. I have yet to find a strategy when I am in store shopping for flats, to really know how brutal they will be. I bought some new ones recently and I jumped around in them, walked around the store a bit, and decided they might actually be functional. Then yesterday I decided to take a very short walk and break in my newest purchase. I am now in complete agony. The second half of the walk I tucked my pants into the shoes, nonetheless, massive blisters and they burst before I got home.
Despite the pain they cause, I still love them, I can’t part with them and always want to wear them. I give in to the pain every time. This season I will be testing out new strategies to reduce the pain. I will invest in those adhesive pads for the back of the shoes. I was also told that super glue on the skin can work. I have used packing tape on my heels to prevent the friction. The lengths we go for fashion. A good friend of mine has encouraged me to invest in some Cole Haan flats.
If you have strategies to making your flats work for you, please share it with the rest of us!

“If you want to forget all your other troubles, wear too tight shoes.”  ~The Houghton Line, November 1965  

1 comment:

  1. They have a procedure where they plump the pads and heels with collagen for wearing heels. It said it costs about 500.00
